Deploying Your Documentation

This step is completely optional since developers deploy their websites differently.

Included with QuickieDox is a deployment script (deploy-example.php) that has some sample configuration data in there. The script works with the deployer composer package. To use this you will need to run

composer require --dev deployer/deployer

Next you will need to rename the file from deploy-example.php to deploy.php and then edit the file to match your server details.

	// your domain name or server IP
    ->set('hostname', '')
	// which user on your server will you be deploying as
    ->set('remote_user', 'deployment-user') 
    // stage can either be staging or production
    ->set('labels', [ 'stage'=> 'staging'])
    // which branch in your repo are you deploying from
    ->set('branch', 'development')
    // path to the directory where code should be deployed
    // ideally this is the directory you will serve the doc website from
    ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/html/test-quickiedox');

You will notice there are two host blocks in the deploy.php file. One for staging and another for production.

To deploy to your staging server you will need to run the following in your terminal while at the root of your project.

vendor/bin/dep deploy staging

To deploy to your production server you will need to run the following in your terminal while at the root of the project.

vendor/bin/dep deploy production