
The variables defined in .env and config.php allow you to easily customize QuickieDox to suit your needs. The config.php sets defaults for variables it is expecting to be defined in the .env file. Below is a list of all the variables in both files and what they are used for.

.env config.php Description
environment environment Default: development The environment the project is running in. This variable is unused in QuickieDox itself at the moment but we dropped the variable in there in case you want to perform environment-specific tasks.
default_page_title Default: API Documentation The default text displayed in the title bar. Specific documentation page titles are appended to this.
ALLOW_TESTING allow_testing Default: false Applies to API related docs. Should users be able to test your endpoints. If true, a button is displayed bottom right of the docs page to launch an endpoint tester.
TESTING_URL testing_url Default: blank If allow_testing is true, what URL will be the default for such endpoint tests.
SHOW_INDEX_PAGE show_index_page Default: true Defines if home page should be displayed. If false, the user is taken right to your default documentation page (default_doc_page).
REQUIRE_SIGNIN require_signin Default: false Defines if doc pages can only be accessed by logged in users. More on that here.
whitelisted_docs Default: [] If require_signin is true but you want some specific pages to always be. accessible. Example: [ 'installation', 'upgrade-guide' ]. You can either include or exclude the (.md) file extension.
DOCS_DIRECTORY docs_directory Default: markdown Directory to load and read .md files from.
doc_versions Default: [] Verious documentation versions to track. Only values defined here will be accessible in the dropdown of versions on the docs page. See more.
DEFAULT_DOC_PAGE default_doc_page Default: The default documentation .md file. This is always the page displayed when a user clicks on the logo to go back 'home'
NAV_PAGE nav_page Default: The file where all your navigation items are defined.
DOCS_URL_PREFIX docs_url_prefix Default: docs This prefixes urls to the documentation in the browser. Default is docs. If you change it to say documentation your URL will look like
message_if_no_navigation Default: no file found Message to display if no file is found
DISPLAY_LINE_NUMBERS display_line_numbers Default: false Determines if line numbers should be displayed for all code blocks. Line numbers can be defined on a case by case basis.
GIT_CLONE_PIN git_clone_pin Default: blank PIN required when pulling in the markdown (.md) files in the browser as explained in the installation guide here
MD_REPO_URL md_repo_url Default: Git repo url where markdown (.md) files will be pulled in from
ALLOW_EDIT_ON_GIT allow_edit_on_git Default: false When true, an 'edit on Github' link is placed at the end of each document